graph_tool.draw - Graph drawing and layout


Layout algorithms

sfdp_layout Obtain the SFDP spring-block layout of the graph.
fruchterman_reingold_layout Calculate the Fruchterman-Reingold spring-block layout of the graph.
arf_layout Calculate the ARF spring-block layout of the graph.
random_layout Performs a random layout of the graph.

Graph drawing

graph_draw Draw a graph to screen or to a file using cairo.
graphviz_draw Draw a graph using graphviz.
prop_to_size Convert property map values to be more useful as a vertex size, or edge width.

Low-level graph drawing

cairo_draw Draw a graph to a cairo context.
interactive_window Display an interactive GTK+ window containing the given graph.
GraphWidget Interactive GTK+ widget displaying a given graph.
GraphWindow Interactive GTK+ window containing a GraphWidget.


Layout algorithms

graph_tool.draw.sfdp_layout(g, vweight=None, eweight=None, pin=None, groups=None, C=0.2, K=None, p=2.0, theta=0.6, max_level=11, gamma=1.0, mu=0.0, mu_p=1.0, init_step=None, cooling_step=0.9, adaptive_cooling=True, epsilon=0.1, max_iter=0, pos=None, multilevel=None, coarse_method='hybrid', mivs_thres=0.9, ec_thres=0.75, weighted_coarse=False, verbose=False)

Obtain the SFDP spring-block layout of the graph.

Parameters :

g : Graph

Graph to be used.

vweight : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

A vertex property map with the respective weights.

eweight : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

An edge property map with the respective weights.

pin : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

A vertex property map with boolean values, which, if given, specify the vertices which will not have their positions modified.

groups : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

A vertex property map with group assignments. Vertices belonging to the same group will be put close together.

C : float (optional, default: 0.2)

Relative strength of repulsive forces.

K : float (optional, default: None)

Optimal edge length. If not provided, it will be taken to be the average edge distance in the initial layout.

p : float (optional, default: 2)

Repulsive force exponent.

theta : float (optional, default: 0.6)

Quadtree opening parameter, a.k.a. Barnes-Hut opening criterion.

max_level : int (optional, default: 11)

Maximum quadtree level.

gamma : float (optional, default: 1.0)

Strength of the attractive force between connected components, or group assignments.

mu : float (optional, default: 0.0)

Strength of the attractive force between vertices of the same connected component, or group assignment.

mu_p : float (optional, default: 1.0)

Scaling exponent of the attractive force between vertices of the same connected component, or group assignment.

init_step : float (optional, default: None)

Initial update step. If not provided, it will be chosen automatically.

cooling_step : float (optional, default: 0.9)

Cooling update step.

adaptive_cooling : bool (optional, default: True)

Use an adaptive cooling scheme.

epsilon : float (optional, default: 0.1)

Relative convergence criterion.

max_iter : int (optional, default: 0)

Maximum number of iterations. If this value is 0, it runs until convergence.

pos : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

Initial vertex layout. If not provided, it will be randomly chosen.

multilevel : bool (optional, default: None)

Use a multilevel layout algorithm. If None is given, it will be activated based on the size of the graph.

coarse_method : str (optional, default: "hybrid")

Coarsening method used if multilevel == True. Allowed methods are "hybrid", "mivs" and "ec".

mivs_thres : float (optional, default: 0.9)

If the relative size of the MIVS coarse graph is above this value, the coarsening stops.

ec_thres : float (optional, default: 0.75)

If the relative size of the EC coarse graph is above this value, the coarsening stops.

weighted_coarse : bool (optional, default: False)

Use weighted coarse graphs.

verbose : bool (optional, default: False)

Provide verbose information.

Returns :

pos : PropertyMap

A vector-valued vertex property map with the coordinates of the vertices.


This algorithm is defined in [hu-multilevel-2005], and has complexity \(O(V\log V)\).


[hu-multilevel-2005](1, 2) Yifan Hu, “Efficient and High Quality Force-Directed Graph”, Mathematica Journal, vol. 10, Issue 1, pp. 37-71, (2005)


>>> g = gt.price_network(3000)
>>> pos = gt.sfdp_layout(g)
>>> gt.graph_draw(g, pos=pos, output="graph-draw-sfdp.pdf")

SFDP layout of a Price network.

graph_tool.draw.fruchterman_reingold_layout(g, weight=None, a=None, r=1.0, scale=None, circular=False, grid=True, t_range=None, n_iter=100, pos=None)

Calculate the Fruchterman-Reingold spring-block layout of the graph.

Parameters :

g : Graph

Graph to be used.

weight : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

An edge property map with the respective weights.

a : float (optional, default: \(V\))

Attracting force between adjacent vertices.

r : float (optional, default: 1.0)

Repulsive force between vertices.

scale : float (optional, default: \(\sqrt{V}\))

Total scale of the layout (either square side or radius).

circular : bool (optional, default: False)

If True, the layout will have a circular shape. Otherwise the shape will be a square.

grid : bool (optional, default: True)

If True, the repulsive forces will only act on vertices which are on the same site on a grid. Otherwise they will act on all vertex pairs.

t_range : tuple of floats (optional, default: (scale / 10, scale / 1000))

Temperature range used in annealing. The temperature limits the displacement at each iteration.

n_iter : int (optional, default: 100)

Total number of iterations.

pos : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

Vector vertex property maps where the coordinates should be stored. If provided, this will also be used as the initial position of the vertices.

Returns :

pos : PropertyMap

A vector-valued vertex property map with the coordinates of the vertices.


This algorithm is defined in [fruchterman-reingold], and has complexity \(O(\text{n-iter}\times V^2)\) if grid=False or \(O(\text{n-iter}\times (V + E))\) otherwise.


[fruchterman-reingold](1, 2) Fruchterman, Thomas M. J.; Reingold, Edward M. “Graph Drawing by Force-Directed Placement”. Software - Practice & Experience (Wiley) 21 (11): 1129-1164. (1991) DOI: 10.1002/spe.4380211102


>>> g = gt.price_network(300)
>>> pos = gt.fruchterman_reingold_layout(g, n_iter=1000)
>>> gt.graph_draw(g, pos=pos, output="graph-draw-fr.pdf")

Fruchterman-Reingold layout of a Price network.

graph_tool.draw.arf_layout(g, weight=None, d=0.5, a=10, dt=0.001, epsilon=1e-06, max_iter=1000, pos=None, dim=2)

Calculate the ARF spring-block layout of the graph.

Parameters :

g : Graph

Graph to be used.

weight : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

An edge property map with the respective weights.

d : float (optional, default: 0.5)

Opposing force between vertices.

a : float (optional, default: 10)

Attracting force between adjacent vertices.

dt : float (optional, default: 0.001)

Iteration step size.

epsilon : float (optional, default: 1e-6)

Convergence criterion.

max_iter : int (optional, default: 1000)

Maximum number of iterations. If this value is 0, it runs until convergence.

pos : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

Vector vertex property maps where the coordinates should be stored.

dim : int (optional, default: 2)

Number of coordinates per vertex.

Returns :

pos : PropertyMap

A vector-valued vertex property map with the coordinates of the vertices.


This algorithm is defined in [geipel-self-organization-2007], and has complexity \(O(V^2)\).


[geipel-self-organization-2007](1, 2) Markus M. Geipel, “Self-Organization applied to Dynamic Network Layout”, International Journal of Modern Physics C vol. 18, no. 10 (2007), pp. 1537-1549, DOI: 10.1142/S0129183107011558, arXiv: 0704.1748v5


>>> g = gt.price_network(300)
>>> pos = gt.arf_layout(g, max_iter=0)
>>> gt.graph_draw(g, pos=pos, output="graph-draw-arf.pdf")

ARF layout of a Price network.

graph_tool.draw.random_layout(g, shape=None, pos=None, dim=2)

Performs a random layout of the graph.

Parameters :

g : Graph

Graph to be used.

shape : tuple or list (optional, default: None)

Rectangular shape of the bounding area. The size of this parameter must match dim, and each element can be either a pair specifying a range, or a single value specifying a range starting from zero. If None is passed, a square of linear size \(\sqrt{N}\) is used.

pos : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

Vector vertex property maps where the coordinates should be stored.

dim : int (optional, default: 2)

Number of coordinates per vertex.

Returns :

pos : PropertyMap

A vector-valued vertex property map with the coordinates of the vertices.


This algorithm has complexity \(O(V)\).


>>> g = gt.random_graph(100, lambda: (3, 3))
>>> shape = [[50, 100], [1, 2], 4]
>>> pos = gt.random_layout(g, shape=shape, dim=3)
>>> pos[g.vertex(0)].a
array([ 68.72700594,   1.03142919,   2.56812658])

Graph drawing

graph_tool.draw.graph_draw(g, pos=None, vprops=None, eprops=None, vorder=None, eorder=None, nodesfirst=False, output_size=(600, 600), fit_view=True, output=None, fmt='auto', **kwargs)

Draw a graph to screen or to a file using cairo.

Parameters :

g : Graph

Graph to be drawn.

pos : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

Vector-valued vertex property map containing the x and y coordinates of the vertices. If not given, it will be computed using sfdp_layout().

vprops : dict (optional, default: None)

Dictionary with the vertex properties. Individual properties may also be given via the vertex_<prop-name> parameters, where <prop-name> is the name of the property.

eprops : dict (optional, default: None)

Dictionary with the vertex properties. Individual properties may also be given via the edge_<prop-name> parameters, where <prop-name> is the name of the property.

vorder : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

If provided, defines the relative order in which the vertices are drawn.

eorder : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

If provided, defines the relative order in which the edges are drawn.

nodesfirst : bool (optional, default: False)

If True, the vertices are drawn first, otherwise the edges are.

output_size : tuple of scalars (optional, default: (600,600))

Size of the drawing canvas. The units will depend on the output format (pixels for the screen, points for PDF, etc).

fit_view : bool (optional, default: True)

If True, the layout will be scaled to fit the entire display area.

output : string (optional, default: None)

Output file name. If not given, the graph will be displayed via interactive_window().

fmt : string (default: "auto")

Output file format. Possible values are "auto", "ps", "pdf", "svg", and "png". If the value is "auto", the format is guessed from the output parameter.

vertex_* : PropertyMap or arbitrary types (optional, default: None)

Parameters following the pattern vertex_<prop-name> specify the vertex property with name <prop-name>, as an alternative to the vprops parameter.

edge_* : PropertyMap or arbitrary types (optional, default: None)

Parameters following the pattern edge_<prop-name> specify the edge property with name <prop-name>, as an alternative to the eprops parameter.

**kwargs :

Any extra parameters are passed to interactive_window(), GraphWindow, GraphWidget and cairo_draw().

Returns :

pos : PropertyMap

Vector vertex property map with the x and y coordinates of the vertices.

selected : PropertyMap (optional, only if output is None)

Boolean-valued vertex property map marking the vertices which were selected interactively.


List of vertex properties
Name Description Accepted types Default Value
shape The vertex shape. Can be one of the following strings: “circle”, “triangle”, “square”, “pentagon”, “hexagon”, “heptagon”, “octagon” “double_circle”, “double_triangle”, “double_square”, “double_pentagon”, “double_hexagon”, “double_heptagon”, “double_octagon”, “pie”. Optionally, this might take a numeric value corresponding to position in the list above. str or int "circle"
color Color used to stroke the lines of the vertex. str or list of floats [0., 0., 0., 1]
fill_color Color used to fill the interior of the vertex. str or list of floats [0.640625, 0, 0, 0.9]
size The size of the vertex, in the default units of the output format (normally either pixels or points). float or int 5
aspect The aspect ratio of the vertex. float or int 1.0
anchor Specifies how the edges anchor to the vertices. If 0, the anchor is at the center of the vertex, otherwise it is at the border. int 1
pen_width Width of the lines used to draw the vertex, in the default units of the output format (normally either pixels or points). float or int 0.8
halo Whether to draw a circular halo around the vertex. bool False
halo_color Color used to draw the halo. str or list of floats [0., 0., 1., 0.5]
halo_size Relative size of the halo. float 1.5
text Text to draw together with the vertex. str ""
text_color Color used to draw the text. If the value is "auto", it will be computed based on fill_color to maximize contrast. str or list of floats "auto"
text_position Position of the text relative to the vertex. If the passed value is positive, it will correspond to an angle in radians, which will determine where the text will be placed outside the vertex. If the value is negative, the text will be placed inside the vertex. If the value is -1, the vertex size will be automatically increased to accommodate the text. float or int -1
font_family Font family used to draw the text. str "serif"
font_slant Font slant used to draw the text. cairo.FONT_SLANT_* cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL
font_weight Font weight used to draw the text. cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_* cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL
font_size Font size used to draw the text. float or int 12
surface The cairo surface used to draw the vertex. If the value passed is a string, it is interpreted as an image file name to be loaded. cairo.Surface or str None
pie_fractions Fractions of the pie sections for the vertices if shape=="pie". list of int or float [0.75, 0.25]
pie_colors Colors used in the pie sections if shape=="pie". list of strings or float. ('b','g','r','c','m','y','k')
List of edge properties
Name Description Accepted types Default Value
color Color used to stroke the edge lines. str or list of floats [0.179, 0.203,0.210, 0.8]
pen_width Width of the line used to draw the edge, in the default units of the output format (normally either pixels or points). float or int 1.0
start_marker, mid_marker, end_marker Edge markers. Can be one of “none”, “arrow”, “circle”, “square”, “diamond”, or “bar”. Optionally, this might take a numeric value corresponding to position in the list above. str or int -1
marker_size Size of edge markers, in units appropriate to the output format (normally either pixels or points). float or int 4
control_points Control points of a Bézier spline used to draw the edge. sequence of floats []
dash_style Dash pattern is specified by an array of positive values. Each value provides the length of alternate “on” and “off” portions of the stroke. The last value specifies an offset into the pattern at which the stroke begins. sequence of floats []
text Text to draw next to the edges. str ""
text_color Color used to draw the text. str or list of floats [0., 0., 0., 1.]
text_distance Distance from the edge and its text. float or int 4
text_parallel If True the text will be drawn parallel to the edges. bool True
font_family Font family used to draw the text. str "serif"
font_slant Font slant used to draw the text. cairo.FONT_SLANT_* cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL
font_weight Font weight used to draw the text. cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_* cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL
font_size Font size used to draw the text. float or int 12


>>> g = gt.price_network(1500)
>>> deg = g.degree_property_map("in")
>>> deg.a = 4 * (sqrt(deg.a) * 0.5 + 0.4)
>>> ebet = gt.betweenness(g)[1]
>>> ebet.a /= ebet.a.max() / 10.
>>> eorder = ebet.copy()
>>> eorder.a *= -1
>>> pos = gt.sfdp_layout(g)
>>> control = g.new_edge_property("vector<double>")
>>> for e in g.edges():
...     d = sqrt(sum((pos[e.source()].a - pos[].a) ** 2)) / 5
...     control[e] = [0.3, d, 0.7, d]
>>> gt.graph_draw(g, pos=pos, vertex_size=deg, vertex_fill_color=deg, vorder=deg,
...               edge_color=ebet, eorder=eorder, edge_pen_width=ebet,
...               edge_control_points=control, # some curvy edges
...               output="graph-draw.pdf")

SFDP force-directed layout of a Price network with 1500 nodes. The vertex size and color indicate the degree, and the edge color and width the edge betweeness centrality.

graph_tool.draw.graphviz_draw(g, pos=None, size=(15, 15), pin=False, layout=None, maxiter=None, ratio='fill', overlap=True, sep=None, splines=False, vsize=0.105, penwidth=1.0, elen=None, gprops={}, vprops={}, eprops={}, vcolor='#a40000', ecolor='#2e3436', vcmap=None, vnorm=True, ecmap=None, enorm=True, vorder=None, eorder=None, output='', output_format='auto', fork=False, return_string=False)

Draw a graph using graphviz.

Parameters :

g : Graph

Graph to be drawn.

pos : PropertyMap or tuple of PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

Vertex property maps containing the x and y coordinates of the vertices.

size : tuple of scalars (optional, default: (15,15))

Size (in centimeters) of the canvas.

pin : bool or PropertyMap (default: False)

If True, the vertices are not moved from their initial position. If a PropertyMap is passed, it is used to pin nodes individually.

layout : string (default: "neato" if g.num_vertices() <= 1000 else "sfdp")

Layout engine to be used. Possible values are "neato", "fdp", "dot", "circo", "twopi" and "arf".

maxiter : int (default: None)

If specified, limits the maximum number of iterations.

ratio : string or float (default: "fill")

Sets the aspect ratio (drawing height/drawing width) for the drawing. Note that this is adjusted before the size attribute constraints are enforced.

If ratio is numeric, it is taken as the desired aspect ratio. Then, if the actual aspect ratio is less than the desired ratio, the drawing height is scaled up to achieve the desired ratio; if the actual ratio is greater than that desired ratio, the drawing width is scaled up.

If ratio == "fill" and the size attribute is set, node positions are scaled, separately in both x and y, so that the final drawing exactly fills the specified size.

If ratio == "compress" and the size attribute is set, dot attempts to compress the initial layout to fit in the given size. This achieves a tighter packing of nodes but reduces the balance and symmetry. This feature only works in dot.

If ratio == "expand", the size attribute is set, and both the width and the height of the graph are less than the value in size, node positions are scaled uniformly until at least one dimension fits size exactly. Note that this is distinct from using size as the desired size, as here the drawing is expanded before edges are generated and all node and text sizes remain unchanged.

If ratio == "auto", the page attribute is set and the graph cannot be drawn on a single page, then size is set to an “ideal” value. In particular, the size in a given dimension will be the smallest integral multiple of the page size in that dimension which is at least half the current size. The two dimensions are then scaled independently to the new size. This feature only works in dot.

overlap : bool or string (default: "prism")

Determines if and how node overlaps should be removed. Nodes are first enlarged using the sep attribute. If True, overlaps are retained. If the value is "scale", overlaps are removed by uniformly scaling in x and y. If the value is False, node overlaps are removed by a Voronoi-based technique. If the value is "scalexy", x and y are separately scaled to remove overlaps.

If sfdp is available, one can set overlap to "prism" to use a proximity graph-based algorithm for overlap removal. This is the preferred technique, though "scale" and False can work well with small graphs. This technique starts with a small scaling up, controlled by the overlap_scaling attribute, which can remove a significant portion of the overlap. The prism option also accepts an optional non-negative integer suffix. This can be used to control the number of attempts made at overlap removal. By default, overlap == "prism" is equivalent to overlap == "prism1000". Setting overlap == "prism0" causes only the scaling phase to be run.

If the value is "compress", the layout will be scaled down as much as possible without introducing any overlaps, obviously assuming there are none to begin with.

sep : float (default: None)

Specifies margin to leave around nodes when removing node overlap. This guarantees a minimal non-zero distance between nodes.

splines : bool (default: False)

If True, the edges are drawn as splines and routed around the vertices.

vsize : float, PropertyMap, or tuple (default: 0.105)

Default vertex size (width and height). If a tuple is specified, the first value should be a property map, and the second is a scale factor.

penwidth : float, PropertyMap or tuple (default: 1.0)

Specifies the width of the pen, in points, used to draw lines and curves, including the boundaries of edges and clusters. It has no effect on text. If a tuple is specified, the first value should be a property map, and the second is a scale factor.

elen : float or PropertyMap (default: None)

Preferred edge length, in inches.

gprops : dict (default: {})

Additional graph properties, as a dictionary. The keys are the property names, and the values must be convertible to string.

vprops : dict (default: {})

Additional vertex properties, as a dictionary. The keys are the property names, and the values must be convertible to string, or vertex property maps, with values convertible to strings.

eprops : dict (default: {})

Additional edge properties, as a dictionary. The keys are the property names, and the values must be convertible to string, or edge property maps, with values convertible to strings.

vcolor : string or PropertyMap (default: "#a40000")

Drawing color for vertices. If the valued supplied is a property map, the values must be scalar types, whose color values are obtained from the vcmap argument.

ecolor : string or PropertyMap (default: "#2e3436")

Drawing color for edges. If the valued supplied is a property map, the values must be scalar types, whose color values are obtained from the ecmap argument.

vcmap : matplotlib.colors.Colormap (default:

Vertex color map.

vnorm : bool (default: True)

Normalize vertex color values to the [0,1] range.

ecmap : matplotlib.colors.Colormap (default:

Edge color map.

enorm : bool (default: True)

Normalize edge color values to the [0,1] range.

vorder : PropertyMap (default: None)

Scalar vertex property map which specifies the order with which vertices are drawn.

eorder : PropertyMap (default: None)

Scalar edge property map which specifies the order with which edges are drawn.

output : string (default: "")

Output file name.

output_format : string (default: "auto")

Output file format. Possible values are "auto", "xlib", "ps", "svg", "svgz", "fig", "mif", "hpgl", "pcl", "png", "gif", "dia", "imap", "cmapx". If the value is "auto", the format is guessed from the output parameter, or xlib if it is empty. If the value is None, no output is produced.

fork : bool (default: False)

If True, the program is forked before drawing. This is used as a work-around for a bug in graphviz, where the exit() function is called, which would cause the calling program to end. This is always assumed True, if output_format == 'xlib'.

return_string : bool (default: False)

If True, a string containing the rendered graph as binary data is returned (defaults to png format).

Returns :

pos : PropertyMap

Vector vertex property map with the x and y coordinates of the vertices.

gv : gv.digraph or gv.graph (optional, only if returngv == True)

Internally used graphviz graph.


This function is a wrapper for the [graphviz] routines. Extensive additional documentation for the graph, vertex and edge properties is available at:


[graphviz](1, 2)


>>> g = gt.price_network(1500)
>>> deg = g.degree_property_map("in")
>>> deg.a = 2 * (sqrt(deg.a) * 0.5 + 0.4)
>>> ebet = gt.betweenness(g)[1]
>>> gt.graphviz_draw(g, vcolor=deg, vorder=deg, elen=10,
...                  ecolor=ebet, eorder=ebet, output="graphviz-draw.pdf")

Kamada-Kawai force-directed layout of a Price network with 1500 nodes. The vertex size and color indicate the degree, and the edge color corresponds to the edge betweeness centrality

graph_tool.draw.prop_to_size(prop, mi=0, ma=5, log=False, power=0.5)

Convert property map values to be more useful as a vertex size, or edge width. The new values are taken to be

\[y = mi + (ma - mi) \left(\frac{x_i - min(x)} {max(x) - min(x)}\right)^\text{power}\]

If log=True, the natural logarithm of the property values are used instead.

Low-level graph drawing

graph_tool.draw.cairo_draw(g, pos, cr, vprops=None, eprops=None, vorder=None, eorder=None, nodesfirst=False, vcmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object at 0x7f52010676d0>, ecmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object at 0x7f52010676d0>, loop_angle=nan, parallel_distance=None, fit_view=False, **kwargs)

Draw a graph to a cairo context.

Parameters :

g : Graph

Graph to be drawn.

pos : PropertyMap

Vector-valued vertex property map containing the x and y coordinates of the vertices.

cr : Context

A Context instance.

vprops : dict (optional, default: None)

Dictionary with the vertex properties. Individual properties may also be given via the vertex_<prop-name> parameters, where <prop-name> is the name of the property.

eprops : dict (optional, default: None)

Dictionary with the vertex properties. Individual properties may also be given via the edge_<prop-name> parameters, where <prop-name> is the name of the property.

vorder : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

If provided, defines the relative order in which the vertices are drawn.

eorder : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

If provided, defines the relative order in which the edges are drawn.

nodesfirst : bool (optional, default: False)

If True, the vertices are drawn first, otherwise the edges are.

vcmap : matplotlib.colors.Colormap (default:

Vertex color map.

ecmap : matplotlib.colors.Colormap (default:

Edge color map.

loop_angle : float (optional, default: nan)

Angle used to draw self-loops. If nan is given, they will be placed radially from the center of the layout.

parallel_distance : float (optional, default: None)

Distance used between parallel edges. If not provided, it will be determined automatically.

fit_view : bool (optional, default: True)

If True, the layout will be scaled to fit the entire clip region.

vertex_* : PropertyMap or arbitrary types (optional, default: None)

Parameters following the pattern vertex_<prop-name> specify the vertex property with name <prop-name>, as an alternative to the vprops parameter.

edge_* : PropertyMap or arbitrary types (optional, default: None)

Parameters following the pattern edge_<prop-name> specify the edge property with name <prop-name>, as an alternative to the eprops parameter.

graph_tool.draw.interactive_window(g, pos=None, vprops=None, eprops=None, vorder=None, eorder=None, nodesfirst=False, geometry=(500, 400), update_layout=True, async=False, **kwargs)

Display an interactive GTK+ window containing the given graph.

Parameters :

g : Graph

Graph to be drawn.

pos : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

Vector-valued vertex property map containing the x and y coordinates of the vertices. If not given, it will be computed using sfdp_layout().

vprops : dict (optional, default: None)

Dictionary with the vertex properties. Individual properties may also be given via the vertex_<prop-name> parameters, where <prop-name> is the name of the property.

eprops : dict (optional, default: None)

Dictionary with the vertex properties. Individual properties may also be given via the edge_<prop-name> parameters, where <prop-name> is the name of the property.

vorder : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

If provided, defines the relative order in which the vertices are drawn.

eorder : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

If provided, defines the relative order in which the edges are drawn.

nodesfirst : bool (optional, default: False)

If True, the vertices are drawn first, otherwise the edges are.

geometry : tuple (optional, default: (500, 400))

Window geometry.

update_layout : bool (optional, default: True)

If True, the layout will be updated dynamically.

async : bool (optional, default: False)

If True, run asynchronously. (Requires IPython)

**kwargs :

Any extra parameters are passed to GraphWindow, GraphWidget and cairo_draw().

Returns :

pos : PropertyMap

Vector vertex property map with the x and y coordinates of the vertices.

selected : PropertyMap (optional, only if output is None)

Boolean-valued vertex property map marking the vertices which were selected interactively.


See documentation of GraphWidget for key bindings information.

class graph_tool.draw.GraphWidget(g, pos, vprops=None, eprops=None, vorder=None, eorder=None, nodesfirst=False, update_layout=False, layout_K=1.0, multilevel=False, display_props=None, display_props_size=11, bg_color=None, **kwargs)

Interactive GTK+ widget displaying a given graph.

Parameters :

g : Graph

Graph to be drawn.

pos : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

Vector-valued vertex property map containing the x and y coordinates of the vertices. If not given, it will be computed using sfdp_layout().

vprops : dict (optional, default: None)

Dictionary with the vertex properties. Individual properties may also be given via the vertex_<prop-name> parameters, where <prop-name> is the name of the property.

eprops : dict (optional, default: None)

Dictionary with the vertex properties. Individual properties may also be given via the edge_<prop-name> parameters, where <prop-name> is the name of the property.

vorder : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

If provided, defines the relative order in which the vertices are drawn.

eorder : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

If provided, defines the relative order in which the edges are drawn.

nodesfirst : bool (optional, default: False)

If True, the vertices are drawn first, otherwise the edges are.

update_layout : bool (optional, default: True)

If True, the layout will be updated dynamically.

layout_K : float (optional, default: 1.0)

Parameter K passed to sfdp_layout().

multilevel : bool (optional, default: False)

Parameter multilevel passed to sfdp_layout().

display_props : list of PropertyMap instances (optional, default: None)

List of properties to be displayed when the mouse passes over a vertex.

display_props_size : float (optional, default: 11)

Font size used to display the vertex properties.

bg_color : str or sequence (optional, default: None)

Background color. The default is white.

vertex_* : PropertyMap or arbitrary types (optional, default: None)

Parameters following the pattern vertex_<prop-name> specify the vertex property with name <prop-name>, as an alternative to the vprops parameter.

edge_* : PropertyMap or arbitrary types (optional, default: None)

Parameters following the pattern edge_<prop-name> specify the edge property with name <prop-name>, as an alternative to the eprops parameter.

**kwargs :

Any extra parameters are passed to cairo_draw().


The graph drawing can be panned by dragging with the middle mouse button pressed. The graph may be zoomed by scrolling with the mouse wheel, or equivalent (if the “shift” key is held, the vertex/edge sizes are scaled accordingly). The layout may be rotated by dragging while holding the “control” key. Pressing the “r” key centers and zooms the layout around the graph. By pressing the “a” key, the current translation, scaling and rotation transformations are applied to the vertex positions themselves, and the transformation matrix is reset (if this is never done, the given position properties are never modified).

Individual vertices may be selected by pressing the left mouse button. The currently selected vertex follows the mouse pointer. To stop the selection, the right mouse button must be pressed. Alternatively, a group of vertices may be selected by holding the “shift” button while the pointer is dragged while pressing the left button. The selected vertices may be moved by dragging the pointer with the left button pressed. They may be rotated by holding the “control” key and scrolling with the mouse. If the key “z” is pressed, the layout is zoomed to fit the selected vertices only.

If the key “s” is pressed, the dynamic spring-block layout is activated. Vertices which are currently selected are not updated.


Cleanup callbacks.


Reset the layout algorithm.


Perform one step of the layout algorithm.

regenerate_surface(self, lazy=True, timeout=350)

Redraw the graph surface. If lazy is True, the actual redrawing will be performed after the specified timeout.

draw(self, da, cr)

Redraw the widget.

pos_to_device(self, pos, dist=False, surface=False, cr=None)

Convert a position from the graph space to the widget space.

pos_from_device(self, pos, dist=False, surface=False, cr=None)

Convert a position from the widget space to the device space.


Apply current transform matrix to vertex coordinates.

fit_to_window(self, ink=False, g=None)

Fit graph to window.


Init picked vertices.

button_press_event(self, widget, event)

Handle button press.

button_release_event(self, widget, event)

Handle button release.

motion_notify_event(self, widget, event)

Handle pointer motion.

scroll_event(self, widget, event)

Handle scrolling.

key_press_event(self, widget, event)

Handle key press.

key_release_event(self, widget, event)

Handle release event.

class graph_tool.draw.GraphWindow(g, pos, geometry, vprops=None, eprops=None, vorder=None, eorder=None, nodesfirst=False, update_layout=False, **kwargs)

Interactive GTK+ window containing a GraphWidget.

Parameters :

g : Graph

Graph to be drawn.

pos : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

Vector-valued vertex property map containing the x and y coordinates of the vertices. If not given, it will be computed using sfdp_layout().

geometry : tuple

Widget geometry.

vprops : dict (optional, default: None)

Dictionary with the vertex properties. Individual properties may also be given via the vertex_<prop-name> parameters, where <prop-name> is the name of the property.

eprops : dict (optional, default: None)

Dictionary with the vertex properties. Individual properties may also be given via the edge_<prop-name> parameters, where <prop-name> is the name of the property.

vorder : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

If provided, defines the relative order in which the vertices are drawn.

eorder : PropertyMap (optional, default: None)

If provided, defines the relative order in which the edges are drawn.

nodesfirst : bool (optional, default: False)

If True, the vertices are drawn first, otherwise the edges are.

update_layout : bool (optional, default: True)

If True, the layout will be updated dynamically.

**kwargs :

Any extra parameters are passed to GraphWidget and cairo_draw().