{% extends "base.html" %} {% from 'macros.html' import fmt_int, fmt_float %} {% block stats_active %} active {% endblock %} {% block content %}

Overall statistics

Number of datasets
{{ fmt_int(n_data) }}
Number of networks
{{ fmt_int(n_nets) }} ({{fmt_int(n_undirected) }} undirected, {{fmt_int(n_directed) }} directed, {{fmt_int(n_bip) }} bipartite)
Number of networks (excluding {{ whales | join(", ") }})
{{ fmt_int(n_nets_s) }} ({{fmt_int(n_undirected_s) }} undirected, {{fmt_int(n_directed_s) }} directed, {{fmt_int(n_bip_s) }} bipartite)
Tag counts
{% for tag in tags %} {{tag[0]}} ×{{ fmt_int(tag[1]) }} {% if tag != tags[-1] %} | {% endif %} {% endfor %}

Network properties

Clicking on the plot marker will lead you to the corresponding dataset page. Scrolling zooms, and click pans.

X axis:
Y axis:
Size :
Color :
Excluded datasets
{% for whale in whales %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}