{% extends "base.html" %} {% block about_active %} active {% endblock %} {% block content %}

Restricted datasets

Some datasets included in the repository cannot be downloaded without authorization, because open distribution is unfortunately not permitted by the upstream source. In this case, the download will fail with an 401 Unauthorized error.

It is possible to be granted access to these files with an authorization token. This token needs to be passed as the WWW-Authenticate HTTP request header with a value

WWW-Authenticate: <TOKEN>
where <TOKEN> needs to be replaced by the actual token string.

This can be done via curl as follows:

curl --header "WWW-Authenticate: <TOKEN>" https://networks.skewed.de/net/add_health/files/comm26.gt.zst > comm26.gt.zst

If you are using graph-tool to access the repository, then the token just needs to be stored in a file named

in your home directory.

If you believe you should be granted authorization, please contact Tiago P. Peixoto to request a token.

{% endblock %}