{% extends "base.html" %} {% from 'macros.html' import fmt_int, fmt_float %} {% block net_active %} active {% endblock %} {% block opengraph %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
Problems with this dataset? Open an issue.
You may also take a look at the source code.
The {% if entry.files[0][1] is none %} network {% else %} networks {% endif %} in this dataset can be loaded directly from graph-tool with: {% highlight 'python' %} import graph_tool.all as gt {% if entry.files[0][1] is none -%} g = gt.collection.ns["{{entry.name}}"] {%- else -%} g = gt.collection.ns["{{entry.name}}/{{entry.files[0][1]}}"] {%- endif -%} {% endhighlight %} {% if entry.files[0][1] is not none %} (and likewise for the other networks available.) {% endif %}

{{entry.name}} — {{entry.title}}

{{description | safe}}
{% for tag in entry.tags %} {{tag}} {% endfor %}
    {% for cit in entry.citation %}
  • {{cit[0]}}, {{cit[1]}} {% if cit[1][:16] == "https://doi.org/" %} [@sci-hub] {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
Upstream URL {% if entry.orphan %} {% elif entry.upstream_status[0] == 200 %} OK {% else %} {{entry.upstream_status[0]}} {% endif %}
{% if entry.orphan %} The upstream source has since vanished. The files can be temporarily accessed here. {% else %} {{entry.url}} {% endif %}
{% if entry.upstream_license is not none or entry.restricted %}
Upstream license
{% if entry.restricted %} Restricted access. Upstream does not permit data redistribution, hence the network files cannot be downloaded without authorization. See here how to gain access. {% else %} {{entry.upstream_license[0]}}, {{entry.upstream_license[1]}} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if entry.files|length > page_size %} {% set last_page = (((entry.files|length) / page_size) | round(method='ceil') | int) %}
Page {{page}} of {{last_page}} {% if page > 1 %}   {% endif %} {% if page < last_page %}   {% endif %}   (full)
{% endif %} {% if entry.files|length > 1 %} Tip: click on the table header to sort the list. Hover your mouse over it to obtain a legend. {% else %} Tip: hover your mouse over a table header to obtain a legend. {% endif %} {% for file in entry.files[(page-1) * page_size: page * page_size] %} {% set alt = file[1] %} {% if file[1] is none %} {% set file = entry.name %} {% else %} {% set file = file[1] %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Name Nodes Edges $\left<k\right>$ $\sigma_k$ $\lambda_h$ $\tau$ $r$ $c$ $\oslash$ $S$ Kind Mode NPs EPs gt GraphML GML csv
{{file}} {{ fmt_int(entry.analyses[alt]["num_vertices"]) }} {{ fmt_int(entry.analyses[alt]["num_edges"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry.analyses[alt]["average_degree"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry.analyses[alt]["degree_std_dev"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry.analyses[alt]["hashimoto_radius"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry.analyses[alt]["mixing_time"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry.analyses[alt]["degree_assortativity"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry.analyses[alt]["global_clustering"]) }} {{ fmt_int(entry.analyses[alt]["diameter"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry.analyses[alt]["largest_component_fraction"]) }} {% if entry.analyses[alt]["is_directed"] is not none %} {% if entry.analyses[alt]["is_directed"] %} Directed {% else %} Undirected {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if entry.analyses[alt]["is_bipartite"] is not none %} {% if entry.analyses[alt]["is_bipartite"] %} Bipartite {% else %} Unipartite {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if entry.analyses[alt]["vertex_properties"] is not none %} {% for prop in entry.analyses[alt]["vertex_properties"] %} {% if not prop[0].startswith('_') %} {{prop[0]}} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if entry.analyses[alt]["edge_properties"] is not none %} {% for prop in entry.analyses[alt]["edge_properties"] %} {% if not prop[0].startswith('_') %} {{prop[0]}} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {{fsize(entry.name + "/" + file + ".gt.zst")}} {{fsize(entry.name + "/" + file + ".xml.zst")}} {{fsize(entry.name + "/" + file + ".gml.zst")}} {{fsize(entry.name + "/" + file + ".csv.zip")}}
{% set props = entry._analyses['vertex_properties'] %} {% set props = props | map('first') %} {% if '_pos' in props %}
{% for file in entry.files[(page-1) * page_size: page * page_size] %} {% set alt = file[1] %} {% if alt is none %} {% set props = entry._analyses['vertex_properties'] %} {% else %} {% set props = entry.analyses[alt]['vertex_properties'] %} {% endif %} {% set props = props | map('first') %} {% if '_pos' in props %}
{% if file[1] is none %} {{alt}} drawing {% else %} {{alt}} drawing
{{ alt }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}