{% extends "base.html" %} {% from 'macros.html' import fmt_int, fmt_float %} {% block net_active %} active {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if tags is not none %} Showing only entries with tags: {% for tag in tags %} {{ tag }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if search != "" %} Showing only entries that match regexp: {{search}}
{% endif %} Tip: click on the table header to sort the list. Hover your mouse over it to obtain a legend.
{% for entry in entries %} {% endfor %}
Name Title Nodes Edges $\left<k\right>$ $\sigma_k$ $\lambda_h$ $\tau$ $r$ $c$ $\oslash$ $S$ Kind Mode $n$ Tags
{{ entry.name }} {{ entry.title }} {{ fmt_int(entry._analyses["num_vertices"]) }} {{ fmt_int(entry._analyses["num_edges"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry._analyses["average_degree"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry._analyses["degree_std_dev"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry._analyses["hashimoto_radius"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry._analyses["mixing_time"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry._analyses["degree_assortativity"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry._analyses["global_clustering"]) }} {{ fmt_int(entry._analyses["diameter"]) }} {{ fmt_float(entry._analyses["largest_component_fraction"]) }} {% if entry._analyses["is_directed"] is not none %} {% if entry._analyses["is_directed"] %} Directed {% else %} Undirected {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if entry._analyses["is_bipartite"] is not none %} {% if entry._analyses["is_bipartite"] %} Bipartite {% else %} Unipartite {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ entry.files | length }} {% for tag in entry.tags %} {{ tag }} {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}