Source code for graph_tool.draw

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# graph_tool -- a general graph manipulation python module
# Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.


This module contains functions for graph drawing and layout.

Layout algorithms

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: autosummary


Graph drawing

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: autosummary


Low-level graph drawing

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: autosummary


.. autosummary::
   :toctree: autosummary
   :template: class-no-inherit.rst


.. autosummary::
   :toctree: autosummary



from .. import Graph, GraphView, _check_prop_vector, _check_prop_scalar, \
    group_vector_property, ungroup_vector_property, infect_vertex_property, \
    _prop, _get_rng, VertexPropertyMap
from .. topology import max_cardinality_matching, max_independent_vertex_set, \
    label_components, shortest_distance, make_maximal_planar, is_planar
from .. generation import predecessor_tree, condensation_graph
from .. inference import minimize_blockmodel_dl, BlockState, ModularityState
from .. inference.util import nested_contiguous_map
import numpy.random
from numpy import sqrt
from import Iterable

from .. dl_import import dl_import
dl_import("from . import libgraph_tool_layout")

__all__ = ["graph_draw", "graphviz_draw", "fruchterman_reingold_layout",
           "arf_layout", "sfdp_layout", "planar_layout", "random_layout",
           "radial_tree_layout", "cairo_draw", "prop_to_size",
           "get_hierarchy_control_points", "default_cm", "default_cm_bin",

[docs] def random_layout(g, shape=None, pos=None, dim=2): r"""Performs a random layout of the graph. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used. shape : tuple or list (optional, default: ``None``) Rectangular shape of the bounding area. The size of this parameter must match `dim`, and each element can be either a pair specifying a range, or a single value specifying a range starting from zero. If None is passed, a square of linear size :math:`\sqrt{N}` is used. pos : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Vector vertex property maps where the coordinates should be stored. dim : int (optional, default: ``2``) Number of coordinates per vertex. Returns ------- pos : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` A vector-valued vertex property map with the coordinates of the vertices. Notes ----- This algorithm has complexity :math:`O(V)`. Examples -------- .. testcode:: :hide: np.random.seed(42) gt.seed_rng(42) >>> g = gt.random_graph(100, lambda: (3, 3)) >>> shape = [[50, 100], [1, 2], 4] >>> pos = gt.random_layout(g, shape=shape, dim=3) >>> pos[g.vertex(0)].a array([68.72700594, 1.03142919, 2.56812658]) """ if pos is None: pos = g.new_vertex_property("vector<double>") _check_prop_vector(pos, name="pos") pos = ungroup_vector_property(pos, list(range(0, dim))) if shape is None: shape = [sqrt(g.num_vertices())] * dim for i in range(dim): if hasattr(shape[i], "__len__"): if len(shape[i]) != 2: raise ValueError("The elements of 'shape' must have size 2.") r = [min(shape[i]), max(shape[i])] else: r = [min(shape[i], 0), max(shape[i], 0)] d = r[1] - r[0] # deal with filtering p = pos[i].fa pos[i].fa = numpy.random.random(len(p)) * d + r[0] pos = group_vector_property(pos) return pos
[docs] def planar_layout(g, pos=None): r"""Performs a canonical layout of a planar graph. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Planar graph to be used. pos : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Vector vertex property maps where the coordinates should be stored. Returns ------- pos : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` A vector-valued vertex property map with the coordinates of the vertices. Notes ----- This algorithm has complexity :math:`O(V + E)`. Examples -------- >>> g = gt.lattice([10, 10]) >>> pos = gt.planar_layout(g) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, pos=pos, output="lattice-planar.pdf") <...> .. testcleanup:: conv_png("lattice-planar.pdf") .. figure:: lattice-planar.png :align: center :width: 60% Straight-line drawing of planar graph (a 2D square lattice). References ---------- .. [straight-line-boost] .. [chrobak-linear-1995] M. Chrobak, T. Payne, "A Linear-time Algorithm for Drawing a Planar Graph on the Grid", Information Processing Letters 54: 241-246, (1995), :doi:`10.1016/0020-0190(95)00020-D` """ if g.num_vertices() < 3: raise ValueError("Graph must have at least 3 vertices.") if not is_planar(g): raise ValueError("Graph is not planar.") u = Graph(GraphView(g, directed=False, skip_properties=True)) make_maximal_planar(u) embed = is_planar(u, embedding=True)[1] if pos is None: pos = u.new_vp("vector<double>") else: pos = u.own_property(pos) libgraph_tool_layout.planar_layout(u._Graph__graph, _prop("v", u, embed), _prop("v", u, pos)) pos = g.own_property(pos) return pos
[docs] def fruchterman_reingold_layout(g, weight=None, a=None, r=1., scale=None, circular=False, grid=True, t_range=None, n_iter=100, pos=None): r"""Calculate the Fruchterman-Reingold spring-block layout of the graph. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used. weight : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) An edge property map with the respective weights. a : float (optional, default: :math:`V`) Attracting force between adjacent vertices. r : float (optional, default: 1.0) Repulsive force between vertices. scale : float (optional, default: :math:`\sqrt{V}`) Total scale of the layout (either square side or radius). circular : bool (optional, default: ``False``) If ``True``, the layout will have a circular shape. Otherwise the shape will be a square. grid : bool (optional, default: ``True``) If ``True``, the repulsive forces will only act on vertices which are on the same site on a grid. Otherwise they will act on all vertex pairs. t_range : tuple of floats (optional, default: ``(scale / 10, scale / 1000)``) Temperature range used in annealing. The temperature limits the displacement at each iteration. n_iter : int (optional, default: ``100``) Total number of iterations. pos : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Vector vertex property maps where the coordinates should be stored. If provided, this will also be used as the initial position of the vertices. Returns ------- pos : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` A vector-valued vertex property map with the coordinates of the vertices. Notes ----- This algorithm is defined in [fruchterman-reingold]_, and has complexity :math:`O(\text{n-iter}\times V^2)` if `grid=False` or :math:`O(\text{n-iter}\times (V + E))` otherwise. Examples -------- .. testcode:: :hide: np.random.seed(42) gt.seed_rng(42) >>> g = gt.price_network(300) >>> pos = gt.fruchterman_reingold_layout(g, n_iter=1000) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, pos=pos, output="graph-draw-fr.pdf") <...> .. testcleanup:: conv_png("graph-draw-fr.pdf") .. figure:: graph-draw-fr.png :align: center :width: 60% Fruchterman-Reingold layout of a Price network. References ---------- .. [fruchterman-reingold] Fruchterman, Thomas M. J.; Reingold, Edward M. "Graph Drawing by Force-Directed Placement". Software - Practice & Experience (Wiley) 21 (11): 1129-1164. (1991) :doi:`10.1002/spe.4380211102` """ if pos is None: pos = random_layout(g, dim=2) _check_prop_vector(pos, name="pos", floating=True) if a is None: a = float(g.num_vertices()) if scale is None: scale = sqrt(g.num_vertices()) if t_range is None: t_range = (scale / 10, scale / 1000) ug = GraphView(g, directed=False) libgraph_tool_layout.fruchterman_reingold_layout(ug._Graph__graph, _prop("v", g, pos), _prop("e", g, weight), a, r, not circular, scale, grid, t_range[0], t_range[1], n_iter) return pos
[docs] def arf_layout(g, weight=None, d=.5, a=10, dt=0.001, epsilon=1e-6, max_iter=1000, pos=None, dim=2): r"""Calculate the ARF spring-block layout of the graph. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used. weight : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) An edge property map with the respective weights. d : float (optional, default: ``1``) Opposing force between vertices. a : float (optional, default: ``1.1``) Attracting force between adjacent vertices. dt : float (optional, default: ``0.001``) Iteration step size. epsilon : float (optional, default: ``1e-6``) Convergence criterion. max_iter : int (optional, default: ``1000``) Maximum number of iterations. If this value is ``0``, it runs until convergence. pos : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Vector vertex property maps where the coordinates should be stored. dim : int (optional, default: ``2``) Number of coordinates per vertex. Returns ------- pos : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` A vector-valued vertex property map with the coordinates of the vertices. Notes ----- This algorithm is defined in [geipel-self-organization-2007]_, and has complexity :math:`O(V^2)`. Examples -------- .. testcode:: :hide: np.random.seed(42) gt.seed_rng(42) >>> g = gt.price_network(300) >>> pos = gt.arf_layout(g, a=5) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, pos=pos, output="graph-draw-arf.pdf") <...> .. testcleanup:: conv_png("graph-draw-arf.pdf") .. figure:: graph-draw-arf.png :align: center :width: 60% ARF layout of a Price network. References ---------- .. [geipel-self-organization-2007] Markus M. Geipel, "Self-Organization applied to Dynamic Network Layout", International Journal of Modern Physics C vol. 18, no. 10 (2007), pp. 1537-1549, :doi:`10.1142/S0129183107011558`, :arxiv:`0704.1748v5` .. _arf: """ if pos is None: pos = random_layout(g, dim=dim, shape=[[0, 1]] * dim) _check_prop_vector(pos, name="pos", floating=True) ug = GraphView(g, directed=False) libgraph_tool_layout.arf_layout(ug._Graph__graph, _prop("v", g, pos), _prop("e", g, weight), d, a, dt, max_iter, epsilon, dim) return pos
def _coarse_graph(g, vweight, eweight, kind="matching", groups=None): mivs = None if groups is None: if kind == "mivs": mivs = max_independent_vertex_set(g, high_deg=True) u = GraphView(g, vfilt=mivs, directed=False) c = label_components(u)[0] c.fa += 1 u = GraphView(g, directed=False) infect_vertex_property(u, c, list(range(1, c.fa.max() + 1))) c = g.own_property(c) elif kind == "ec": m = max_cardinality_matching(GraphView(g, directed=False), heuristic=True, weight=eweight, minimize=False, edges=True) u = GraphView(g, efilt=m, directed=False) c = label_components(u)[0] c = g.own_property(c) u = GraphView(g, directed=False) elif kind == "modularity": B = max(g.num_vertices() // 2, 1) state = minimize_blockmodel_dl(GraphView(g, directed=False), state=ModularityState, state_args=dict(eweight=eweight), multilevel_mcmc_args=dict(B_min=B, B_max=B)) print(state) c = state.b.copy() elif kind in ["sbm", "dcsbm"]: B = max(g.num_vertices() // 2, 1) w = eweight.copy("int") if eweight is not None else None state = minimize_blockmodel_dl(GraphView(g, directed=False), state=BlockState, state_args=dict(eweight=w, deg_corr=kind == "dcsbm"), multilevel_mcmc_args=dict(B_min=B, B_max=B)) c = state.b.copy() else: raise ValueError("invalid coarsening method:", kind) else: c = g.new_vp("int", vals=groups) cg, cc, vcount, ecount = condensation_graph(g, c, vweight, eweight, self_loops=True)[:4] return cg, cc, vcount, ecount, c, mivs def _propagate_pos(g, cg, c, cc, cpos, delta, mivs): pos = g.new_vertex_property(cpos.value_type()) if mivs is not None: g = GraphView(g, vfilt=mivs) libgraph_tool_layout.propagate_pos(g._Graph__graph, cg._Graph__graph, _prop("v", g, c), _prop("v", cg, cc), _prop("v", g, pos), _prop("v", cg, cpos), delta if mivs is None else 0, _get_rng()) if mivs is not None: g = g.base u = GraphView(g, directed=False) libgraph_tool_layout.propagate_pos_mivs(u._Graph__graph, _prop("v", u, mivs), _prop("v", u, pos), delta, _get_rng()) return pos def _avg_edge_distance(g, pos): libgraph_tool_layout.sanitize_pos(g._Graph__graph, _prop("v", g, pos)) ad = libgraph_tool_layout.avg_dist(g._Graph__graph, _prop("v", g, pos)) if numpy.isnan(ad) or ad == 0: ad = 1. return ad def coarse_graphs(g, method="hybrid", mivs_thres=0.9, ec_thres=0.75, weighted_coarse=False, eweight=None, vweight=None, groups=None, gamma=None, verbose=False): cg = [[g, None, None, None, None, None]] if weighted_coarse: cg[-1][2], cg[-1][3] = vweight, eweight hybrid = False if method == "hybrid": method = "ec" hybrid = True if verbose: print(f"Coarse level (none): 0, N={g.num_vertices()}") while True: if groups is None or len(groups) < len(cg): b = None else: b = groups[len(cg)-1] u = _coarse_graph(cg[-1][0], cg[-1][2], cg[-1][3], method, b) if hybrid: thres = mivs_thres if method == "mivs" else ec_thres if u[0].num_vertices() >= thres * cg[-1][0].num_vertices(): if method == "ec": method = "mivs" else: break if u[0].num_vertices() <= 2: break cg.append(u) if verbose: print(f"Coarse level ({method}): {len(cg)}, N={u[0].num_vertices()}") cg.reverse() Ks = [] pos = random_layout(cg[0][0], dim=2) for i in range(len(cg)): if i == 0: u = cg[i][0] K = _avg_edge_distance(u, pos) if K == 0: K = 1. Ks.append(K) continue if weighted_coarse: r = 1. else: r = 0.75 Ks.append(Ks[-1] * r) if gamma is None: gamma = [0] * len(cg) else: if not isinstance(gamma, Iterable): gamma = [gamma] gamma = list(gamma) + [0] * (len(cg) - len(gamma)) for i in range(len(cg)): u, cc, vcount, ecount, c, mivs = cg[i] if groups is None or len(cg) - i > len(groups): b = None else: b = groups[len(cg) - 1 - i:] yield u, pos, Ks[i], vcount, ecount, b, gamma[len(cg)-i-1:] if verbose: print("avg edge distance:", _avg_edge_distance(u, pos)) if i < len(cg) - 1: if verbose: print("propagating...", end=' ') print(mivs.a.sum() if mivs is not None else "") pos = _propagate_pos(cg[i + 1][0], u, c, cc, pos, #Ks[i] / 1000., 1e-6, mivs)
[docs] def sfdp_layout(g, vweight=None, eweight=None, pin=None, C=0.2, K=None, p=2., theta=0.6, max_level=15, r=1., kc=10, groups=None, gamma=.1, mu=2., kappa=1., rmap=None, R=1, init_step=None, cooling_step=0.95, adaptive_cooling=True, epsilon=1e-2, max_iter=0, pos=None, multilevel=None, coarse_method="hybrid", mivs_thres=0.9, ec_thres=0.75, weighted_coarse=False, verbose=False): r"""Obtain the SFDP spring-block layout of the graph. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used. vweight : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) A vertex property map with the respective weights. eweight : :class:`~graph_tool.EdgePropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) An edge property map with the respective weights. pin : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) A vertex property map with boolean values, which, if given, specify the vertices which will not have their positions modified. C : float (optional, default: ``0.2``) Relative strength of repulsive forces. K : float (optional, default: ``None``) Optimal edge length. If not provided, it will be taken to be the average edge distance in the initial layout. p : float (optional, default: ``2``) Repulsive force exponent. theta : float (optional, default: ``0.6``) Quadtree opening parameter, a.k.a. Barnes-Hut opening criterion. max_level : int (optional, default: ``15``) Maximum quadtree level. r : float (optional, default: ``1.``) Strength of attractive force between connected components. kc : int (optional, default: ``10``) Number of connected components to subsample. groups : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` or list of list of integers (optional, default: ``None``) A vertex property map with group assignments. Vertices belonging to the same group will be put close together. Optionally, this can take an hierarchical partition, represented by a list of lists, where the list above correspond to the partition of the list below. gamma : float or list of floats (optional, default: ``.1``) Strength of the attractive force between nodes of the same group to their center of mass. In case of a hierarchical partition, this should correspond to a list of floats, containing the strenghts for each hierarchical level. This option has no effect if ``groups`` is ``None``. rmap : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Vertex rank to be used around to order them preferentially in the :math:`y` direction. R : float (optional, default: ``1.0``) Strength of the rank ordering in the :math:`y` direction. init_step : float (optional, default: ``None``) Initial update step. If not provided, it will be chosen automatically. cooling_step : float (optional, default: ``0.95``) Cooling update step. adaptive_cooling : bool (optional, default: ``True``) Use an adaptive cooling scheme. epsilon : float (optional, default: ``0.01``) Relative convergence criterion. max_iter : int (optional, default: ``0``) Maximum number of iterations. If this value is ``0``, it runs until convergence. pos : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Initial vertex layout. If not provided, it will be randomly chosen. multilevel : bool (optional, default: ``None``) Use a multilevel layout algorithm. If ``None`` is given, it will be activated based on the size of the graph. coarse_method : str (optional, default: ``"hybrid"``) Coarsening method used if ``multilevel == True``. Allowed methods are ``"hybrid"``, ``"mivs"`` and ``"ec"``. mivs_thres : float (optional, default: ``0.9``) If the relative size of the MIVS coarse graph is above this value, the coarsening stops. ec_thres : float (optional, default: ``0.75``) If the relative size of the EC coarse graph is above this value, the coarsening stops. weighted_coarse : bool (optional, default: ``False``) Use weighted coarse graphs. verbose : bool (optional, default: ``False``) Provide verbose information. Returns ------- pos : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` A vector-valued vertex property map with the coordinates of the vertices. Notes ----- This algorithm is defined in [hu-multilevel-2005]_, and has complexity :math:`O(V\log V)`. Examples -------- .. testcode:: :hide: np.random.seed(42) gt.seed_rng(42) >>> g = gt.price_network(3000) >>> pos = gt.sfdp_layout(g) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, pos=pos, output="graph-draw-sfdp.pdf") <...> .. testcleanup:: conv_png("graph-draw-sfdp.pdf") .. figure:: graph-draw-sfdp.png :align: center :width: 60% SFDP layout of a Price network. References ---------- .. [hu-multilevel-2005] Yifan Hu, "Efficient and High Quality Force-Directed Graph", Mathematica Journal, vol. 10, Issue 1, pp. 37-71, (2005) """ if pos is None: pos = random_layout(g, dim=2) _check_prop_vector(pos, name="pos", floating=True) if isinstance(groups, VertexPropertyMap): groups = [numpy.asarray(groups.a.copy(), dtype="int32")] elif groups is not None: if isinstance(groups[0], VertexPropertyMap): groups = [groups[0].a.copy()] + list(groups[1:]) groups = nested_contiguous_map(groups) if groups is None: gamma = [0] else: if not isinstance(gamma, Iterable): gamma = [gamma] if len(gamma) < len(groups): gamma = list(gamma) + [0] * (len(groups) - len(gamma)) g_ = g g = GraphView(g, directed=False) if pin is not None: if pin.value_type() != "bool": raise ValueError("'pin' property must be of type 'bool'.") else: pin = g.new_vertex_property("bool") if K is None: K = _avg_edge_distance(g, pos) mu *= K if rmap is None: rmap = g.new_vp("double") R = 0 elif rmap.value_type() != "double": rmap = rmap.copy("double") if init_step is None: init_step = 2 * max(_avg_edge_distance(g, pos), K) if multilevel is None: multilevel = g.num_vertices() > 1000 if multilevel: if eweight is not None or vweight is not None: weighted_coarse = True cgs = coarse_graphs(g, method=coarse_method, mivs_thres=mivs_thres, ec_thres=ec_thres, weighted_coarse=weighted_coarse, eweight=eweight, vweight=vweight, groups=groups, gamma=gamma, verbose=verbose) for count, (u, pos, K_, vcount, ecount, groups, gamma) in enumerate(cgs): if verbose: print(f"Positioning level: {count}, {u.num_vertices()}", end=" ") print(f"with K={K_}, gamma={gamma} ...") pos = sfdp_layout(u, pos=pos, vweight=vcount if weighted_coarse else None, eweight=ecount if weighted_coarse else None, groups=groups, C=C, K=K_, p=p, theta=theta, gamma=gamma, epsilon=epsilon, max_iter=max_iter, cooling_step=cooling_step, adaptive_cooling=False, # init_step=max(2 * K, # _avg_edge_distance(u, pos)), multilevel=False, verbose=False) pos = g_.own_property(pos) return pos if g.num_vertices() <= 1: return pos if g.num_vertices() == 2: vs = [g.vertex(0, False), g.vertex(1, False)] pos[vs[0]] = [0, 0] pos[vs[1]] = [1, 1] return pos if g.num_vertices() <= 50: max_level = 0 if groups is None: groups = [numpy.zeros(g.num_vertices(True), dtype="int32")] c = label_components(g)[0] libgraph_tool_layout.sanitize_pos(g._Graph__graph, _prop("v", g, pos)) libgraph_tool_layout.sfdp_layout(g._Graph__graph, _prop("v", g, pos), _prop("v", g, vweight), _prop("e", g, eweight), _prop("v", g, pin), (C, K, p, gamma, groups, r, kc, _prop("v", g, c), R, _prop("v", g, rmap)), theta, init_step, cooling_step, max_level, epsilon, max_iter, not adaptive_cooling, verbose, _get_rng()) pos = g_.own_property(pos) return pos
[docs] def radial_tree_layout(g, root, rel_order=None, rel_order_leaf=False, weighted=False, node_weight=None, r=1.): r"""Computes a radial layout of the graph according to the minimum spanning tree centered at the ``root`` vertex. Parameters ---------- g : :class:`~graph_tool.Graph` Graph to be used. root : :class:`~graph_tool.Vertex` or ``int`` The root of the radial tree. rel_order : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) Relative order of the nodes at each respective branch. rel_order_leaf : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``False``) If ``True``, the relative order of the leafs will propagate to the root. Otherwise they will propagate in the opposite direction. weighted : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``False``) If true, the angle between the child branches will be computed according to weight of the entire sub-branches. node_weight : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` (optional, default: ``None``) If given, the relative spacing between leafs will correspond to the node weights. r : ``float`` (optional, default: ``1.``) Layer spacing. Returns ------- pos : :class:`~graph_tool.VertexPropertyMap` A vector-valued vertex property map with the coordinates of the vertices. Notes ----- This algorithm has complexity :math:`O(V + E)`, or :math:`O(V\log V + E)` if ``rel_order`` is given. Examples -------- .. testcode:: :hide: np.random.seed(42) gt.seed_rng(42) >>> g = gt.price_network(1000) >>> pos = gt.radial_tree_layout(g, g.vertex(0)) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, pos=pos, output="graph-draw-radial.pdf") <...> .. testcleanup:: conv_png("graph-draw-radial.pdf") .. figure:: graph-draw-radial.png :align: center :width: 60% Radial tree layout of a Price network. """ levels, pred_map = shortest_distance(GraphView(g, directed=False), root, pred_map=True) t = predecessor_tree(g, pred_map) pos = t.new_vertex_property("vector<double>") levels = t.own_property(levels) if rel_order is None: rel_order = g.vertex_index.copy("int") if node_weight is None: node_weight = g.new_vertex_property("double", 1) elif node_weight.value_type() != "double": node_weight = node_weight.copy("double") libgraph_tool_layout.get_radial(t._Graph__graph, _prop("v", t, pos), _prop("v", t, levels), _prop("v", g, rel_order), _prop("v", g, node_weight), int(root), weighted, r, rel_order_leaf) return g.own_property(pos)
[docs] def prop_to_size(prop, mi=0, ma=5, log=False, power=0.5): r"""Convert property map values to be more useful as a vertex size, or edge width. The new values are taken to be .. math:: y_i = mi + (ma - mi) \left(\frac{x_i - \min(x)} {\max(x) - \min(x)}\right)^\text{power} If ``log=True``, :math:`x_i` is replaced with :math:`\ln(x_i)`. If :math:`\max(x) - \min(x)` is zero, :math:`y_i = mi`. """ prop = prop.copy(value_type="double") if len(prop.fa) == 0: return prop if log: vals = numpy.log(prop.fa) else: vals = prop.fa delta = vals.max() - vals.min() if delta == 0: delta = 1 prop.fa = mi + (ma - mi) * ((vals - vals.min()) / delta) ** power return prop
try: from . cairo_draw import graph_draw, cairo_draw, \ get_hierarchy_control_points, default_cm, default_cm_bin, \ default_clrs, draw_hierarchy __all__ += ["draw_hierarchy"] except ImportError: pass try: from . cairo_draw import GraphWidget, GraphWindow, \ interactive_window, GraphArtist __all__ += ["interactive_window", "GraphWidget", "GraphWindow", "GraphArtist"] except ImportError: pass try: from . graphviz_draw import graphviz_draw except ImportError: pass